“This will be a Game Changer for NETWORK MARKETING”….
“We are changing the game of NETWORK MARKETING”… Oh Really?🙄
As many times as I’ve repeatedly heard that pronouncement, it has lost all it’s teeth and gotten to the point where it doesn’t mean anything anymore. Its just another standard phrase in the MLM hustler’s toolbox. That is why I am reluctant to use it. But even though massive change is a real thing that happens… Most don’t know how one happens and they are usually never predicted ahead of time. Covid changed and continues to change many games, but nobody saw or predicted what it would do, even after it began. It will most likely have far reaching effects for everyone for many years. Network Marketing Gurus Prophets and Soothsayers All seem to market some game-changing “theory”, but nothing really has changed that much in the way it is done, which has statistically led to the same abysmal results of network marketing for the everyday normal people it asserts to help. Now… Things have changed from a technology standpoint with all of the ways information is exchanged (I came up in the cassette and VHS days of MLM!) but the final score is still roughly the same as it always has been. A select few who reach the promised land, but rarely able to sustain it without the three pillars that must be present for residual income to be a reality. But for an overwhelming majority who enter this industry… more failure, more misery, and more lives ruined. What we fail to understand about the human cost of this business is slowly destroying it, because we accept 90% attrition as a tolerable evil and blame the unmotivated “losers” who quit. And De-Nile is also a river in Egypt There is no financial reason for the Network marketing high priesthood to ever acknowledge that attrition has negative consequences in people’s real lives… in the money that they’ve lost, in the relationships it has destroyed, in the wasted resources in time and in emotional pain for those who actually worked really hard to achieve something that they never did. Well that is something the “winners”, who subscribe to the fairy tale of a level playing field meritocracy in MLM, are not ready to admit…. Because it destroys their presuppositions and biases which continue to line their bank accounts. What actually qualifies as a major change in any game? And by game here I do not mean just sports. I am talking about the huge shifts in business sectors or industry or culture that are usually deemed as game changing.
But what does it take to become a game changer? What are the many and varied circumstances that precipitate a real game change?
Well you have to look at history, because accurately predicting a Game Change almost never happens. It can only be seen and studied in retrospect. Once it happens you can then understand a truly historic game changing innovation. Then they’re easy to study. A confluence of circumstances… of people, game theory, rule changes and perfect timing intersect in order to create a true game change….. Am I losing you with boring context? I’m sorry, are you too busy, distracted, impatient, or knowledgeable to read any further? I am totally aware that this is a longer read than what many are used to in this age of snapchat, TikTok and Facebook reels, but I am going to tell you something else of which I am totally aware… If you don’t have the ability to direct your attention long enough to learn new concepts, then you are likely to never be successful in any business, because having focus is an absolute requirement to rise above the unproductive herd. I will give you a nickels worth of free advice if you wish to leave. Then you can find any 1 of the thousands of business gurus who will happily tell you what you desperately want to hear… That they alone have the easy shortcut to financial freedom for a nominal fee.
Here it is: The only shortcut to long-term business success is realizing that there are no shortcuts… only dead ends! And in the same time it takes to chase down even a few of them you could have already arrived at your destination had you chosen proven principles and practices to begin with. The only things that happen quickly in both business and nature are disasters!
Warren Buffett and Bill Gates on Focus: One can learn so much from history as it relates to paradigm shttps://theethicalnetworkmarketer.blogspot.com/2022/07/10-seconds-one-word.htmlhifts. I’m going to use an actual example from football and how 2 simultaneous events changed the NFL forever because I am a guy and I actually lived through and observed it as it happened.
- Rule changes in 1978 to the gameplay itself.
- The first coach who saw how to take advantage of that rule change before everyone else ended up stealing it… (Because it is impossible to hide game film!)
These really did revolutionize how the sport is played and the business juggernaut it created. I understand football is not everyone’s cup of tea, but most people have some familiarity with the NFL, especially because of recent scandals and an entire month the players are forced to wear pink ribbons and shoes, so we don’t forget ladies are dying of breast cancer. This principle can be applied to many advances in our collective human history, so the lessons are comparable from the printing press to the industrial revolution to the invention of the airplane to women’s suffrage to the internet and everything in between. Then… I’m going to make a case for why I believe I have a potential game changing adaptation to network marketing that I’ve proven on a small scale in my own business which I am ready to take to the people who are stuck and struggling and ready to try something new, because network marketing is in a rapidly accelerating death spiral from the consequences of perpetuating a broken paradigm. I am not making any bold claims that this will change the MLM industry, that would be presumptuous and foolish. And frankly I really don’t care if they continue down the monumentally stupid and ill-fated path to which they cling… I actually want them to keep churning their Red ocean strategy , so more people will quit and find me. Because I have the answers for those disaffected individuals in MLM. I know I do, because my prospects and team members have told me. But Still… putting all my confidence aside🙄 No one has a crystal ball, but I am really good at analysis and putting things together in my mind that lead me to predictable conclusions. I am willing to go all in with my theory which has never been tried on a large scale by anyone but me, so by virtue of the fact mine is untested, logically it has a higher probability of working than the status quo it is challenging…. So I am making my system available to my own rebel alliance, who will implement it with vision and purpose with me.
What When and Who…. Forever changed the NFL so profoundly? I can tell you that it wasn’t… Shiny Uniforms Hot cheerleaders Overpriced merchandise Multi-billion dollar stadiums $15 for a beer Not even female referees? 🤷♂️ NO! They are merely byproducts of the things that changed on the field to make it more exciting to watch, turning the NFL into the marketing monster it now is…. Which has led to a whole new set of legal and social justice consequences that are driven almost exclusively by the amount of money at stake, which you simply do not mess with…. Just ask Colin Kaepernick and the families of top players who lost them to CTE!
But I digress… The 1978 rule change in Offensive Blocking and Pass defense In 1978, the NFL made two huge rule changes that have drastically changed the game of football. The first was to allow offensive linemen extend their arms and grab defenders, allowing the QB more time, and receivers to basically run through the secondary without care. The bump rule was reduced to just five yards, making the receivers jobs much easier while their stas soared. These two rules have caused an offensive explosion in the NFL, basically turning quarterbacks into the face of the game because these rules benefited them most. The way defenses were put at a disadvantage, coupled with the offense almost every team now uses, is the reason why Tom Brady is now considered to be the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) That would never have happened if not for these 2 rules which paved the way for him and the slew of superstar QBs whose stats can never be accurately compared to those of the many great quarterbacks who played prior to 1978. This is how much the game changed at a fundamentally statistical level since the rule change. Every QB before the change could never have anywhere close to the numbers modern QBs can post. This is unlike any other position in any other sport going from pre to post rule change eras.
But it was the second change that made shattering every passing record all possible, because one man already had invented an offense tailor made to thrive with these new rules. Maybe he saw this crack to exploit or maybe he just had fortune smiling upon him?🤷♂️ With untethered blocking and passing routes the NFL was plodding along with the same coaching philosophy that kept competition on an even keel until…. 1979 Enter Bill Walsh and the West coast offense… With Joe Montana Jerry Rice and the San Francisco 49ers The West Coast offense became absolutely devastating for every other team in the league. Walsh was the San Francisco 49ers’ head coach from 1979 to 1988. He drafted quarterback Joe Montana to orchestrate his offense. Montana was great under the offense; he led the 49ers to 3 Super Bowl wins under Walsh’s tenure. Also, Montana won three Super Bowl MVPs and two NFL MVP awards. Along with the all time record breaking wide receiver Jerry Rice no other team came close to the domination that Walsh and the 49ers enjoyed. So all of the factors that contributed to the major success had to be present and being the first to utilize this brilliant offense Walsh made the offense famous and changed the game of football, as many coaches tried to run the West Coast offensive system. While it became popular in the 1980s, Walsh actually started running this offense in the late 1960s (thus preparing him with the needed tools when destiny arrived). After Walsh retired in 1988, the system he created was so perfect, that his successor George Siefert won 2 Super bowls as the coach of San Francisco … plus 3 more in his storied career yet never made it into the Hall of fame! For major changes to take place in any major business industry, the conditions have to be optimal.
Here is the parallel with what I have been doing.
I have been diligently preparing my system, since I came out of a self imposed 13 year hiatus from MLM …quietly testing and tweaking it until the timing was right and I was ready to launch it, because the rules have changed and I see nobody clever enough to exploit them in a way what I have been doing for years. In my over 35 years of MLM experience, nothing has given me more optimism than the potential I see now. It is now ready! A pain free business marketing system to free you from your pain.
I am guessing… You already have enough pain in your life from limited cash flow, work stress, time pressures…. As well as personal relational issues that pressures like these only make worse. So you do not need me to hammer on them. I simply won’t….Not my style! I don’t teach the “hit their pain points” method. Why not? Because it’s super dumb and will not create true passive income. It may generate a bunch of recruits, the majority of which will end up as zeros on your genealogy report.
Starting any business, has the potential to create those same pressures, if you decide to do it like everyone else. But what if it didn’t have those same pain causing aspects I just mentioned normally found in MLM?
Such as?
Financial pressure from the debts associated with running a business? Nope Time constraints from devoting 20 hours a week after your 9-5? Not here Emotional pain from “getting out of your comfort zone” to invite, present, pitch, and close your disinterested friends and family? Never! I am not blowing sunshine up your skirt. If I’m lyin’ I’m dyin’ 😉 My system and business plan remove those main reasons people quit, while delivering on the results of passive income the Network marketing gurus emptily promise!
Introducing: OCD-TLC Business Plan (Organic Counterintuitive Disruptive Tiered Leveraged Compensation) Which will teach you:
- The business development philosophy utilized by every franchise in existence.
- The number one learnable skill that virtually every New Network marketer is never taught by their company or upline… but if never mastered, will in most cases result in frustration and ultimately lead to failure and quitting the business.
- The “Phrase That Pays”, which when delivered to the right person can create sponsoring magic.
- How to build a profitable business starting with only 4 hours of focused productivity a week.
- A predictable 4 year track to run on with identifiable benchmarks to help you realistically evaluate your progress.
- The proven strategy most singular companies at the top of their sectors develop to thrive in a highly competitive market.
- A system oriented process as opposed to the MLM goal oriented method that does not work
And so much more!
There is a “Catch”….
But it is not a high pricetag!
The system is 100% free to use, but only if you partner with me in my business. I am not selling it, even though I could and probably make a bunch more money if I wanted. I am keeping it exclusively for my team, just like KFC COKE and a host of other successful brands. (This will actually benefit my partners, imagine not having to compete with 20 million other network marketers with the same system! But you want to know how it works?🤔 Here is but a small sample that you can have for cost of having to read this far: If your prospect knows they are being prospected, then 99% of the time you have already lost the game!
For the rest…
You will have to Step “behind the curtain” and meet me for yourself… Because I am the real Wizard of Ahhhs!😉
If there was a business designed like a MacDonald’s franchise, without the high price-tag, that would also reward you a passive income, could you see yourself as an entrepreneur?
The secret is in the system (not individual personalities). Interested in making some extra money this year? Want to learn and earn with me on your team? Follow the link now and watch my free video to learn how:
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